Month September 2021

Energy Minerals (Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources)

Non-Renewable Energy MineralsNon-Renewable Energy Minerals include: oil, gas, bituminous sandstone and limestone, oil shale, coal, lignite, peat, thorium, uranium. These are also finite minerals and also subject to becoming stranded due to climate change and transition to greener technology and…

Metallic Minerals

Metallic minerals are minerals which contain one or more metallic elements. Metallic minerals occur in rare, naturally formed concentrations known as mineral deposits. There are over 300 metallic minerals, the majority being sulfides and sulfosalts (60%) followed by oxides (25%) and…

Mineral Policies, Legal and Regulatory Frameworks

The Africa Mining Vision (AMV) is a policy framework that was created by the African Union in 2009 to ensure that Africa utilizes its mineral resources strategically for broad-based, inclusive development. The Africa Mining Vision (AMV) was formally endorsed in…

Artisanal and Small Scale Mining (ASM) and Conflict Minerals

BACKGROUND An estimated third of the world’s known mineral-resource reserves are in Africa. The mining industry includes both large- and small-scale operations. Artisanal mining refers to mining with minimal technology and generally without formal organization, largely involving women, the vulnerable…

MADI and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

“Making mineral resources work for sustainable development in Africa”The 2030 Global Sustainable Development Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are at the center of a global cooperative effort for attaining sustainable development globally through inclusive growth and socioeconomic…

Prof. Calestous Juma Essay Competition

Minerals Africa Development Institution (MADI) in partnership with the Calestous Juma Legacy Foundation (CJLF) is proud to announce the winners of the recent inaugural Prof. Calestous Juma Essay Competition which was concluded early this year. We are proud to announce the following outstanding essays…