Mrs. Angela Mulenga


Southern Africa Regional Office Administrator – MADI -Zambia Office


Mrs.Angela Mulenga is a Zambian Woman and a bachelor’s degree from the university of Zambia sociology and information studies while her post graduate studies in International marketing was obtained in Germany. Angela’s expertise is in business development, Trade policy, marketing and value chain development in Mining and Agriculture sectors. She has vast experience across Africa in improving and growing businesses, organizations and programmes with careful strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and building new relationships targeted at attracting new business opportunities and revenue. Over the years she has facilitated market linkages for producers in various sub – sectors in agriculture and mining that have contributed to economic empowerment of the producers in Africa. In terms of policy work, this mainly been achieved through participation in developmental processes and lobbying policy makers and technocrats on Trade policy issues at COMESA, WTO , Cotonou ,EPAs , Africa continental free trade agreement .Her focus has been mainly in shaping the agriculture policies , mining policies and trade in services. At COMESA she was part of a team of experts that helped develop the COMESA-EAC-SADC Tripartite Industrialization Development Road map. Among the notable organizations worked for include among others; International trade Center (ITC) managing the ACP-EU programmes as Regional Agro-foods Co-ordinator the position was later mainstreamed in Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) where she worked for eight years.